Healing Ministries
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~ Isaiah 41:10
Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their conversion. (CCC 1422)
Reconciliation at St. Bernard's is available:
Sunday 8:00-8:55 am
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30-7:55 am
Wednesday: 4:45-5:10 pm and 5:45 pm
Saturday: 4:00-4:55 pm
Or by appointment by calling the Parish Office at (218) 681-3571
Rachel's Vineyard
For more information please go to https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/
Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.