Adult Faith Formation

Jesus and the Eucharist
The National Eucharistic Revival - Year of the Parish - is offering a (national) parish-wide study entitled Jesus and the Eucharist. The 7-week series is meant to allow parishioners to engage in a common formation throughout the United States, engage the entire parish, and allow for table discussion throughout the series.
We will launch the series in September and go for seven continuous weeks. The target audience is for anyone 16+ (but a youth with a keen mind might also enjoy it!) The 2-hour small group is all high-quality video-based teaching. You can expect bishop intros, led-prayer, short video teachings, table discussions, testimonies, and more! Whether you know everything about Christianity, or some, or none, this is meant to foster a deeper participation in the life of the Church. Please join us by registering at
If leading a Small Group Study at home, please download the weekly video and handouts using these links:
Session 1: What's Our Story? Video Handout
Session 2: Who is Jesus? Video Handout
Session 3: Am I Saved? Video Handout
Session 4: Why a Church? Video Handout
Session 5: God is with Us Video Handout
Liturgy of the Hours
Every Sunday at 8:10 am
Please join us at St. Bernard's Parish for Lauds/Morning Prayer! Also known as the Liturgy of the Hours and The Divine Office. Booklets will be provided on table in the Gathering Space for your use to pray along.
For information on what is Liturgy of the Hours and how to pray it, please click here.
For questions, suggestions, etc, please feel free to reach out to Liz Wavra at
Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The marvelous treasures of the Catholic Faith—the Eucharist, Mary, the saints, and the Creed—are all centered on a single figure: Jesus Christ. Jesus is more than a historical or theological figure. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord, and our God. While many of us already know a lot about him, how well can we say we really know him? Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life is a new and fresh look at Jesus—who he is, what he is really like, what he taught, and what he did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will inspire and empower you to center your entire life on him as you come to know and love him in an ever-deeper and more intimate way. For more information, click here.
Book of Revelation Bible Study
An open door to heaven; living six-winged creatures who are filled with eyes; a Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes; angels blowing trumpets; "super" locusts; a woman (and later the archangel Michael) vs a huge 7-headed red dragon ~ and all of this in just the first 12 (of 22) chapters of the book of Revelation!
After a 3-year hiatus due to health issues and the Covid-19 pandemic, the Bible study to help us understand and apply this last and most mysterious book of Sacred Scripture is resuming. This study will be on Thursdays, at 10:30 am in the Parish Hall Meeting Room.
Call 684-0247 with questions or for further information.

The North American Vocation Team (NAVT) of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) invite young adults ages 18 and older to online evening prayer on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. CST.
Based on the Liturgy of the Hours, the online evening prayer typically lasts about an hour and includes scripture, psalm responses, the Magnificat, personal and communal intercessory prayers as well as time for small-group community building.
The dates for evening prayer during the first half of 2022 will be January 25, February 22, March 22, April 26, May 24 and June 28. More information and registration for the Zoom links is available at

Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church
Introducing a new two-hour online course from Revive Parishes presented by Bishop Andrew Cozzens! Click here for the free course and be inspired!
Would you like to deepen your faith
and let Jesus become more involved in your life?

A Cursillo (pronounced KER SEE O) weekend is a three-day learning, sharing, inspirational experience of living in a Christian community. During the three days of a Cursillo weekend a person not only hears inspiring talks on what it really means to be a Christian, but actually experiences the joy of building and being part of a genuine Christian community.
The Diocese of Crookston will be offering a Men's Cursillo on the weekend of October 26 - 29, 2023 and a Women's weekend September 21 - 24, 2023, at Sand Hill Lake Bible Camp south of Fosston. Applications are at