St. Vincent de Paul
As one of the oldest charitable organizations in the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is a Catholic lay organization of about 800,000 men and women throughout the world who voluntarily join together to grow spiritually and offer person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in 150 countries on five continents.
Prayer to Saint Vincent de Paul
Almighty God
Who called your servant Vincent de Paul
To serve you in the person of those in need:
Grant that we, following his example,
May fulfil your commandments
By defending and supporting the poor,
And by loving you with all our hearts,
Who lives and reigns with you
And the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever
If the words of this prayer stimulates your thoughts about helping others, the Holy Spirit may be speaking to you. Then this invitation is for you.
Discover Your St. Bernard’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Learn about the St. Vincent de Paul Society
How we’ve already helped those in need.
What it takes to become a members
What new avenues we maybe adventuring into
How you can help
For more information about St. Vincent de Paul, please call 218-416-1963 and ask for Dave.