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Baptism Prep

The Catholic Church strongly recommends not to delay the Sacrament of Baptism for children and infants. To schedule a baptism, please call the parish office at 218-681-3571. If this is your first child being baptized at St. Bernard's since the installation of Fr. Vasek as pastor (July 1, 2023), you will need to complete a 1-hour baptism prep course with Fr. Vasek prior to the baptism. Additional requirements for a Catholic baptism include:

  • Not already validly baptized in another Christian community

  • Promise by the parents to raise the child in the Catholic faith

  • Having at least one Catholic godparent (if having 2 godparents, must be one male and one female)

    • Baptized, Confirmed and received First Communion​

    • Not a member of a non-Catholic Christian community

    • Not the parent of the child

    • Not under imposed or declared canonical penalty

Baptism of Adults

Teenagers and adults seeking baptism should contact, Carolyn Holecek, the OCIA Coordinator, by calling the parish office at 218-681-3571.

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